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Point System

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:11 pm
by Administrator
Points ladders are accessible from our home page. We do try to keep them quite current, but please remember that all our staff are volunteers and we do this on a best efforts basis. The points will be determined with the # of tables plus two method, just as TP does it. The #of winners will be based on the # of tables plus 2. So if theres 24 people. thats three tables ..3+2=5 so there will be five winners. The winnings will be based on the same percentages True Poker uses for its tournaments. The total points awarded for a tournament will be the number of players times 10. Below is an example of a game with 24 players.

3 tables +2=5 winners Pay-outs will be as follows.

1st place - 84 points (35% of 240)
2nd place - 60 points (25% of 240)
3rd place - 48 points (20% of 240)
4th place - 36 points (15% of 240)
5th place - 12 points (5% of 240)