PBL Rules

This section is for information about PBL rules, points, passwords, etc. so please DO NOT repsond here. Please post any questions in the Q&A section or by email.

PBL Rules

Postby Administrator on Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:15 pm

Dear Players, (Amended November 26, 2007) Below are the rules of our league in our league games. Please read them carefully and respond by email to us stating that you have read and understand them. We must require this prior to any member getting passwords to preserve the quality of our league games. Our intention is not to make this difficult for you, but to ENSURE that there are as few problems as possible occurring in our league so that we may all go play and have fun doing it.

All members in our league must be members of True Poker and meet their eligibility requirements.

Our league is for players that wish to improve their skills and play in a serious game of competitive poker. If you just wish to see if you can get lucky early by going all in and double up a time or two then our league is not for you. Should you have to leave a tournament due to other commitments, please advise the table that you must leave and then blind off. Going all in to lose your chips when you have to leave is not fair to the other players and is not permitted.

Members should only sign up for PBL Tournaments when they have the time available to play in them. If you feel that you may not have the two or three hours available to play in our tournaments then please do not sign up for that day. We do understand that some members may arrive late for a tournament due to work, family, or involvement in a True Poker tournament on the main server and as such may have to ghost for a short time period. Should occasional situations arise where you must leave a PBL tournament that is in progress, please ghost off from the tournament and do not start going all in to get rid of your chip stack since that will be viewed as a violation of our chip dumping rule. In general, points will be awarded should a player have to ghost out, but situations where a player is constantly ghosting should be reported to the review board so that they may be investigated.

The quality of our games is very important to our league players. If the password is given to a NON MEMBER the quality of the game goes down as well as the fun when some unfriendly characters get a hold of our passwords. This makes our password protection a most important rule and it will be dealt with as such. A player choosing not to follow this rule will be given the harshest punishment by Board of Review up to and possibly including a Ban from the league immediately after investigation complete.

Any individual may only register one character in PBL regardless of how many characters you have registered in True Poker. Likewise one person may only play one character per game, so if you have a spouse, friend or family member that is a PBL member, you can not play your character and their character in the same game. Also, two members can not take turns playing two characters on one computer during one tournament. If you only have one computer available to you in such a case, only one character may be registered in that tournament.


PBL wants to create an environment that is a step above what you find at a typical online poker site. As a result we do not want to see attacks on players that are personal or offensive. We are not trying to clamp down on poker trash talk which is part of the game, so comments about a player’s playing style or particular hands are fair game. It is the personal shots that we want to cut back on. Obviously what is offensive to one person is not necessarily offensive to another, so often this is a tough call. As a result, we are trying to take a real world metaphor and go by what would be considered acceptable at a real casino where adults are playing. Generally the casino would permit comments that are not taken offensively by the players at a particular table. Naturally racial comments, insulting sexual comments, or hurtful personal comments, etc. would immediately be considered off limits, but no clear rule book exists on what words can and can’t be used when players trash talk each other since it will change based on what that group of players is offended by. In the real world, if someone is offended by a borderline comment the Pit Boss would tell the player making the comment to stop that. If that player did not immediately respect the Pit Boss’s wishes he would find himself outside and he could complain to management about why he was kicked out of the game the next day. At PBL we do not have a Pit Boss, but we do have staff. If any player’s comments are found to be offensive by people at the table then any Staff member that is there (or that can be summoned to be there) has full discretion to ask any player to stop their personal comments. The player commenting must respect this request quickly and if they do not they will be warned and if they do not respond or stop their behavior they will be suspended automatically from the league for the next 3 tournaments and the case will be reviewed by the review board. If the player that was requested to stop the behavior feels they were not out of line then they should contact the PBL review board and state their point of view after the game. We do not want to be dictators or censors, but we do want our tables to be good natured in general. Therefore, please be respectful of other people and if any staff member asks you to stop your behavior then you must listen to them as you must listen to the Pit Boss at a casino. Since we do not have the technology to simply eliminate anyone from the game (as the Pit Boss can have you tossed out of the casino) our equivalent for not obeying the Staff member is an automatic suspension for your next 3 tournaments.

Any formal complaints about players that involve rules violations, potential cheating or serious objectionable conduct at our tables, in our forum or between our members should be submitted by email to reviewboard@pokersbestleague.com Please provide as much detail and background to the incident as possible, as well as the names of any other members that witnessed the incident and a screen shot if possible. All complaints will be investigated and may be subject to a full review by the review board. Any player subject to a review will be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint and provide their side of the story. The review board will make decisions on a case by case basis and a vote will be held by all members of the review board in regards to any potential actions. The player in question will be advised of the decision of the review board and the reasons behind it. The player may choose to appeal this decision should they wish to do so.

Our rules have been set up to try and provide a guideline for play in our league. The rules can not cover every possible situation that may arise and will be used by the review board as a guideline in handling complaints. Our intent is to provide an environment where people can enjoy a competitive game of poker in a play money setting. Changes to our rules may be made from time to time and will be voted on by members of our review board. PLEASE RESPOND IN EMAIL VIA membership@pokersbestleague.com "RULES ACCEPTANCE" STATING YOU HAVE READ THESE RULES AND AGREE TO COMPLY WHILE PLAYING IN OUR LEAGUE GAMES. THIS EMAIL NEEDS TO INCLUDE YOUR PLAYER NAME.

Site Admin
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:44 pm

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